Hi team,
Today I would like to tell you more about the Krav Maga grading system.
In 1964, Imi began teaching Krav Maga to civilians in military uniform before adopting the traditonal kimono and the belt rank system. The ranks ranged from white to black belt until 1987 when a new rank system replaced the belts, going from Practitioner 1 to Expert 5.
With the introduction of the new ranking system, the kimono was abandoned, and training was conducted in loose pants, t-shirt, and sports shoes. Instructors like Imi stopped wearing belts at this time.
As the system spread around the world, the technical notebook evolved and the symbols of ranks were introduced in the mid-1990s. This new grading system is much more aligned with Krav Maga's origins and the teaching methods used in the Israeli army.
The ranks are divided into 4 categories:
Each category contains 5 levels with a specific program and knowledge for each grade. To pass to a higher grade, the student must retake all the grades below this one. For example, someone who is to pass Practitioner 3rd degree must pass the exam with Practitioner 1st degree, 2nd degree... and finally the 3rd degree subject. This methodology has the effect of consolidating the knowledge of the basic techniques.
Finally I want to mention that KMG is releasing KMG 2.0, a completely reviewed system aiming at staying relevant and spreading the best and most updated know how. The reviewed P levels where released in 2021. The G levels where released in 2022 and the E levels remain unreleased at this stage.